We're doing this entrepreneurship thing all wrong...

Geoff Roberts:

This is a podcast about entrepreneurship. But before we pump you up with hacks that promise to make you millions, or worse yet, fill your earbuds with investors telling you not to do what they did on their path to riches, we start with a fundamental question: What does it mean to be a successful entrepreneur? Financial success is the common measure — and make no mistake about it, I'm out to build financial freedom too. But I'd argue that for most entrepreneurs, a better measure of success is the extent to which our work enriches our lives. And how do we measure that? I see so many founders toiling away for years with endless stress, putting off the things that they really want to do until some hypothetical day in the future when they "make it." Is throwing away years of your life really something to celebrate? My co host, Adii Pienaar, says it best: "Your life is the cost of doing business." More founders are waking up to the idea that you can do the things that you want to do today and that your entrepreneurial ambition can actually act as fuel. We're out to prove it to you by sharing the stories of entrepreneurs who have built rich and interesting lives on their own terms. It starts with reorienting your relationship with entrepreneurship, and that starts with thinking "Life Profits" first.

We're doing this entrepreneurship thing all wrong...
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